
How To Paint Flower Nail Designs

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A prepare of beautifully manicured nails is a sign that you've taken good care of them. While you tin can't go wrong with a French manicure or some solid-colored talons, endeavor taking your manicure to the side by side level by adding an adorable floral pattern. Whether information technology's jump outside or just leap in your heart, in that location's no wrong time for bloom nail art.

  1. 1

    Remove any chipped smoothen left on your nails. Before you start painting, you want to give yourself a gorgeous canvas to piece of work on. You can purchase nail smoothen remover from your local drugstore. If your nails are prone to drying out and flaking, look for a remover labeled "non-acetone." These are gentler on your nails, and you don't want to dry your nails right before giving yourself a manicure![1]

  2. 2

    Trim and file your nails. No thing how beautifully you create your floral blast fine art, it won't look perfect if your nails are jagged, uneven, or misshapen. Before painting them, it's important to trim and file them. First, choose the shape you lot want for your nails. Some people prefer square tips with sharp edges, while others adopt soft rounded nails.[two]

    • Trim your nails and then that they are all the aforementioned length. Leave a little actress length when trimming, because they'll become a fleck shorter from filing.
    • File your nails with the nail file using short, smoothen strokes. You'll run into your nail slowly starting to take shape, and go on until you are satisfied.[3]
    • Double check that all your nails are the same length and shape. Make sure y'all don't accept any hang nails.


  3. iii

    Apply your base colour. Cull a color that will provide a prissy backdrop for your flowers. Scroll the polish betwixt your palms to go it all mixed and ready. Don't shake, as that volition cause air bubbling that can dry out your polish.[4]

    • Dip the castor into the shine, existence careful not to overload the castor with polish.
    • Try to use only three strokes to apply the polish to your fingernail. If necessary, use a few more strokes to distribute the smooth evenly on your nail.[5]
    • Allow your base glaze dry fully before moving on to the flowers. You tin can let information technology air dry, or speed up the process past blow-drying them with cold air.[six]


  1. one

    Cull two colors to create your flowers. You'll desire to choose colors that contrast enough with your base color that your flowers stand out. Choose opaque polishes, because it is not like shooting fish in a barrel to go over an intricate flower blueprint with a second coat of smooth. However, sheer polishes can certainly exist used to create more subtle flowers.

  2. 2

    Create dots on your nails using your brush or a toothpick. [7] If your nail shine brush is small enough to create the dots, certainly go ahead and use them. If not, set them bated and instead dip a toothpick into the polish. Y'all should get enough polish on the end to grade a dot. If the toothpick is too pointy and isn't picking up enough smooth when dipped, gently printing the end of information technology into a hard surface until it flattens slightly.[8]

    • These dots volition exist forming the centre of the flower, so place them on your nails accordingly. You may want to just do one flower per nail, or several. Get out room for the "petal" dots that you'll be painting next!
    • If you lot don't have toothpicks, or don't like the result you're creating with a toothpick, feel free to employ any other thin tool to create the dots.
  3. 3

    Make five-6 dots—the petals—around the original dot using your 2nd color. [9] Dip your brush or toothpick into your second colour of polish. Get enough shine on the end of the toothpick to form a dot. Y'all volition exist placing dots effectually the original dots you created to course the petals of the blossom. You lot can make equally many petals as you'd like, merely typically flowers are created with v or six.[10]

    • One time yous've created the petal dots, you can leave them equally is, or drag them to create unlike shapes. For example, try placing the petal dots farther away from the middle dot, and then using your toothpick to "elevate" the smooth to the heart. This will create more teardrop-shaped petals.
    • Don't be afraid to get artistic. Experiment with different colors, different petal shapes, etc. Once you get more comfortable using a toothpick to apply the smoothen, you can try different things.


  1. ane

    Let your flowers to dry fully. This is incredibly of import, because trying to utilise a top coat too early or bumping your moisture nails on something will distort your beautiful flowers. Some smash polishes are specifically marketed as quick drying, but others will take at least half an hr to dry fully.

    • To speed upward the process, dry your nails with a hairdryer. The pull a fast one on is to set information technology on "cool." Hot air will actually keep the polish from hardening, and then cool air is the style to become.[eleven]
    • The drugstore sells special polish-drying sprays, so pick one up if you lot're desperate to get your nails stale quickly.[12]
  2. 2

    Pigment a stem. This is entirely optional. If you accept green nail polish, utilise a super thin castor or a make clean toothpick to create a small-scale stem snaking its style from the blossom. Y'all can connect multiple flowers with stems, and even add together petty leaves![13]

    • There are special nail smoothen pens that brand intricate details similar stems and leaves much easier. Check out your local drugstore or dazzler supply store if you are interested in purchasing these.
  3. 3

    Heighten the background or add sparkles. If you want to add together fifty-fifty more individuality to your boom pattern, go alee! You can use the toothpick to add together tiny dots to the background, or other thin designs. Combining floral patterns with geometric backgrounds is extremely trendy.[xiv] If yous accept a sheer glitter polish, yous tin paint a coat over the design to give it some sparkle.

  4. 4

    Apply a clear topcoat. After your flowers are finished and your nails expect flawless, information technology's of import to seal it all. Find a shine specifically marketed as a topcoat to end off your manicure.[15] A skilful topcoat protects the smooth from everyday wear and tear, and information technology acts every bit a barrier to prevent chipping and other damage. Additionally, a topcoat adds a cute shine to your nails.[xvi]

    • Because you've applied several different kinds of nail polishes, a topcoat also helps to polish out the entire design and help it expect more than cohesive.


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  • Question

    How do y'all brand bootleg nail fine art?

    Marta Nagorska

    Marta Nagorska is a Nail Technician and Nail Art Blogger based in London, U.k.. She runs the weblog, Furious Filer, where she gives tutorials on smash care and avant-garde nail art. She has been practicing smash art for over 5 years and graduated from Northampton College with distinction with a Smash Technician and Manicurist degree in 2017. She has been awarded the top spot in the OPI Nail Fine art Competition.

    Marta Nagorska

    Nail Artist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    How do I make a bloom pattern on my nails?

    Marta Nagorska

    Marta Nagorska is a Nail Technician and Nail Art Blogger based in London, UK. She runs the weblog, Furious Filer, where she gives tutorials on nail intendance and advanced nail art. She has been practicing nail art for over 5 years and graduated from Northampton College with stardom with a Nail Technician and Manicurist degree in 2017. She has been awarded the pinnacle spot in the OPI Smash Fine art Contest.

    Marta Nagorska

    Nail Artist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    How practice you preserve boom art?

    Marta Nagorska

    Marta Nagorska is a Nail Technician and Nail Art Blogger based in London, UK. She runs the blog, Furious Filer, where she gives tutorials on nail intendance and advanced smash art. She has been practicing nail art for over 5 years and graduated from Northampton College with distinction with a Nail Technician and Manicurist degree in 2017. She has been awarded the top spot in the OPI Smash Art Competition.

    Marta Nagorska

    Nail Artist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    Tin can I squeeze two flowers on a nail, or is it best to keep 1 on each?

    Community Answer

    It's upwardly to you. I is the simplest look, but you can decide on the look yous want.

  • Question

    Can you do information technology in 3 colors?

    Community Answer

    Any number of colors is fine. You could do ane colour for the base of operations, one color for the eye of the flower, and one color for the petals. Or, you could do the aforementioned colour for both the eye and the petals of your flower and add a stalk. But make sure to add a clear height glaze. The possibilities are countless!

  • Question

    Can a ix twelvemonth old do this if they desire to look expert?



    Community Answer

    Of form y'all tin! Painting nails is a experience-good activity that anyone can practice. If you are prone to being messy, I would suggest painting your nails in company of an developed.

  • Question

    Can I paint the flower art on an already dry coat of polish?



    Community Answer

    Yes, y'all can paint a flower over a background colour. I would propose that you look at the colours of the flower and base glaze first to see if they go together nicely.

  • Question

    Can you put glitter on the top of the blossom or is that ugly?



    Community Answer

    It would look pretty! Do whatever makes you feel happy. They're your nails.

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  • Instead of having only dot like flowers, you can requite a slight film to the toothpick you are working with and go pointy petals.

  • Toothpicks may be difficult to work with, and there are other options. Some polishes with thin brushes are sold specifically for nail art. You lot can also use scissors to trim a regular boom brush to the desired thickness, after you have cleaned it.

  • Smash kits and blast dotting tools will make this process easier- and very cheap!

  • Don't exist afraid to effort different designs and polishes – they may plow out better than expected.

  • The easiest way to make a dot is with a dotting tool. The long handle gives you more stability, and the variety of sizes makes dotting absolutely fool-proof. It'due south an essential tool for any nail-gal. (Hint - Order your dotting tools on Ebay or Amazon. Yous can become a set of 5 for nether $5!)


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